Gear: Tokina 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 Can you shoot with a crappy lens?

Tokina 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5 – the “Crappy lens – good photography” project!

Have you heard of this Tokina 19-35mm lens? Haha, I guess not, I didn’t know it as well! To be honest it’s not even a Full Frame camera lens! With this article I wanna emphasize on the fact that you don’t need the most expensive and good lenses in the world to do interesting photography! You only need to appreciate your gear and get your butt out shooting, because most probably it is not the gear which is mediocre, but it is the one who is using it and their thinking! Understand your gear! Enjoy photography, rather than all the time thinking that your gear is not good enough, and that’s why you’re not getting the results you want! 

At that time few years ago I suddenly decided to switch to Full size camera, and as I was still a student and I didn’t have all the money to spent I had to make the decision body or lens? I chose the full size body, and since I had no more money to get lens, I got this baby, it costed me around 40-50 USD, yeah not kidding and I have been “abusing” my Canon 5D Mark 2 with that piece if crappy lens for almost 2 years! Which really made me appreciate what I have, and getting it’s best to create my final images! 

It’s not all about great lenses and good gear! It is all about your vision, going for what you want and making the things happen in front of your camera! Also what matters is knowing your gear, what you have and what you can achieve with it! If course there are situations when I pretty much know that this lens would mess up the things, I try to avoid them, or think of some creative way with light or something else to still make it perform and look like a good piece of gear! If you get really amazing gear from the very beginning then you risk to never understand why that gear is so good, because you haven’t tried something that is not that good before!

So for the lens, believe me it had some really really bad points too, some weird colors the “fantastic’ vignetting etc. Anyway here are some images I have taken with it! And as I always say this is not a review, and I’m not gonna be testing it with all the possible apertures, or whatever, I’m just showing off some examples of my work that exist thanks to that lens!

Also here are some other recent gear articles I’ve been writing, feel free to check them out:

Tokina 19-35mm f/3.5-4.5


何年か前ぐらいに初めてフルサイズカメラを急に買うことにしました!ただ、そのときに予算が限られて、まともな広角ズームレンズを買うお金がなかった!そして、このレンズがありました!トキナの19-35mmのレンズは4,000~5,000円ぐらいだったので、これでいきますと!まぁ、よく考えたら、Canon 5DM2のボディのこのどうしようもないレンズをつけるなんて、何だこのいたずらって感じですよね!しかし、そういうレンズを使ってるのもたまに叱られたりもしました!「こんなレンズを使うのは許さない」とめっちゃ経験が長いカメラマンにも何回か言われたことがあります!ただ、大事なのはそこだけではないと思います!自分の結果を作るためには、どんな方法でもいい!だって、ストロボでも最初の3年ぐらいはずっと4,000円ぐらいするストロボしか使ってないですよ!それのせいでこんな写真撮れないとか言い出したら、言い訳にしか聞こえないですね!だから、次に「自分のLレンズよりいいレンズあればもっといい写真撮れる」とかと思った方にもうちょっと考えて欲しい、もっといい写真を撮れるのはその機材じゃなくて、自分の考え方を変えることだと思います!自分の機材の特徴をよく理解した上で撮影することが大事だと思います!

このレンズは確かに欠点はけっこうありますよ!周辺おちがひどいし、色はめちゃくちゃになるときもるし、などなど・・・ ただその困難をよく理解したら、それをどう解決するかとかも考えるようになるので、自分の次の段階にもすごく役に立つと思います!最初から、すごくいい機材で撮影すると、おそらくそれの本当の価値がよくわからなくなると思います!最後に、この記事はレビューではない、ただカメラマンとして、この立派な道具を使うといったい何ができるのかみたいな感じで自分の19-35mmを使った写真のアルバムにします!すべての絞りなどが入ってるレビューとかじゃなくて、実際の撮影の結果だけです!

Canon EOS 5D

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Canon EOS 5DM2

Here are some photographs taken with the Tokina lens, most of them are portraits all of them taken with Canon 5DM2 body!  


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