Entries by Ilko Allexandroff

Shooting it: Drinking in the Night

Intro Doing strobist things in the night can be really interesting, but what if you don’t have a model to shoot? Well, it’s easy, why don’t you just go out and shoot yourself!  Sometimes I really love playing around and shooting one of the most difficult to please models in the world, but in many […]

Shooting it: Golden Autumn

I am uploading some lighting information for another of my past favorite shots of my friend Doris. We have been shooting at Hozukyo, Kyoto. On that day we were a big group of people with my friend Diao taking pictures there. We actually went for the red leaves, but it looked like it’s too late, […]

Shooting it: Time for Fun!

Many people have been asking me about this photo, so now I’m uploading the strobist setup shot and some behind the scenes info for it! It’s been my most viewed photo on my flickr account, with already more than 23,000 views. That’s a shoot of my friends Ani & Vera, they are Bulgarian as me. […]

Shooting it: A Downwards Spiral

Here is a shot of my friend Misa, we have been thinking to make some shots with Bubbles for long time, and here they are. The location is in Osaka, Tenma and these stairs are accessible to everyone. It is so difficult to find such locations in Japan outside, and this one is actually so […]

Shooting it: Night Lights

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_facebook type=”standard”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] So here is a brief description how I shoot one of my favorite photos of Asuka. We haven’t spent a lot of time planning this shoot, the idea was to just go to Namba area in Osaka, and shoot at whatever nice location we find, so there was this wall! […]

Shooting it: All I want for Christmas

It’s Christmas, so I will upload some setup info for one of my favorite Christmas shots! This is a session for MBS Japan (Mainichi Housou) and exactly for a TV show called “Waku-ari” where I participated then. The idea of the producers was to shoot a girl in the Christmas atmosphere, before a date or something like […]

Shooting it: Andy’s Imagine

Here is some backstage info for one of my favorite strobist shots I have! I shot this photo in the bar of my friend Andy, who is running it, and it’s one of the cool places to go for drink and have some fun in Kobe, you can check his website here: Andy’s Imagine! This is […]

Shooting it: Shadow of Music

I’m starting to write some series of articles about how I take some of my photos, with behind-the-stage information & photos, as well as explanation of the setups I’m using and other information about locations etc. Here is the first article about one of my favorite photos I’ve taken called “Shadow of Music. I took […]

Megumi FireDance

And while introducing the final images from the photoshoot, here is some small introduction ot the model for this shoot, Megumi Yuzuki. She is a professional dancer, producer, party organizer and studio owner based in Kobe, Japan. Here are some words about her in Japanese Language! (ダンスグループ【烏來KYOTO】代表, 【柚來激龍波PDN】代表)幼 少よりクラッシックバレエを習いダンス歴30年。ダンスグループ【烏來KYOTO】、【柚來激龍波PDN】の代表を務める傍ら、国立大学ダンス部非常勤講 師等のインストラクター歴も15年に及ぶ。また、浅草サンバカーニバルでのポールダンス出演、ASY クルージングでのダンス演出担当、【R-35美魔女のアンチエイジングポールダンス】企画などポールダンス関連のオーガナイザー/プロデューサーとしての 手腕も注目を集め、ダンサーとしての枠にとらわれないマルチタレンテッドなダンスアーティスト。そのキャリアは多岐にわたり、二十歳頃からは海外に招かれ数々のダンスショウケースをこなす。並行して、テレビ、映画、雑誌等のメディアへの露出も増加。それに伴い、近年では様々なイベント、企業のパーティー、舞台等にも活動の幅を広げている。 グ ループとしての活動は、1999年に自身のユニット”烏來KYOTO”を立ち上げ、国内外のツアー参加やVIPアーティストらとの共演を続けつつ毎月様々 なパーティーに出演。地方でのショウのみならず、東京でもWOMBやageHa等のクラブイベントにおいても強烈なインパクトを与えている。 […]

MadeCafe Video

■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ ■■■ Here I am uploading couple of sets with more than 20 images each, that contain the work of some big team, each member has their introduction below! We are using some nice textile design works to create them! ©2012 textile by Yamaguchi Michio textile design […]