Tag Archive for: Backlight

Shooting it: Mixing color filters at night

Intro For this strobist article I will be showing how to get some colorful stuff with a really dark and far background that at first glance doesn't look to be easily modified by strobes! But it is interesting to see that in some cases if you…

Shooting it: Textile Design by Arina

Here are couple of shots from a project I was a part of recently! Basically we have been using some really nice Jacquard fabric textile, that was a subject of an exhibition, and we wanted to create some nice visuals about it!  You can…

Shooting it: Married in Kobe

Another engagement shoot article, this time I will be writing about 2 shots of a night photoshoot I did in Kobe recently! I am shooting in the night, and as a location I decided to choose a spot where it is not that crowded, basically there…